Empower your Employees with Bite-Sized Training that’s Quick, Convenient and Fun!
Hundreds of interactive online training programs available anytime, anywhere
Our Work Skills micro-learning courses offer the highest quality online soft skills training programs to help your business develop new leaders, engage employees, and improve teams.
Easy and engaging courses
With micro-learning, the information your trainees need is delivered in short, easily-digestible videos. The engaging graphics bring the course to life and, with each lesson lasting just 2-3 minutes, they’re easy to schedule and don’t have to disrupt your day. Students can take an entire course in 10 minutes!
Studies show that this type of training, where information is presented in short snippets, enhances focus, reduces fatigue and improves memory. More and more top-level companies are introducing micro-learning to their employee training as it’s ideal for continuous career development.
Affordable eLearning
We’ve a range of micro-learning courses on offer, bundled by topic so you don’t have to sift through dozens of courses to get what you need.
From Compliance Essentials to Cybersecurity and Customer Service to Project Management, we can help your team brush up their skills in a number of key areas.
There are courses for budding leaders, diverse teams, or staff who simply want to broaden their skills in niche areas such as marketing, HR, or sales.
Each bundle consists of 5-10 lessons and students who finish the course receive a certificate of completion to add to their resume.
Create and customize your own learning portal
All of our micro-learning courses are delivered online through our accessible and easy-to-use learning platform. Simply create an account, purchase your courses and assign them to members of your team. Each course will be available in their account for 365 days so users can log in and learn at their own pace. You can even have us set up your own custom portal at yourbusinessname.foodsafetymarket.com with your own company branding, notes for staff, files containing company training materials, and more.
And it’s not limited to micro-learning. Every single one of our programs, including WHMIS certification and food safety training, are available online so you can add new courses to your platform if you require them.
You and your employees deserve to experience the endless possibilities presented by continuous learning – whether improving on your personal skills, developing future managers and supervisors, or promoting engagement through interactive learning opportunities, the micro-learning courses offered by WorkSkills Training will allow you to achieve your goals easily and affordably.
solutions for all types of organizations
We have been working for over 20 years to provide customized solutions for all types of businesses.