Food Safety Market Blog

A blog with articles related to food handler certification and education on food safety related issues.

Introducing Our Food Handler Certificate Course, Managing Food Safety (MFS)

Introducing Our Food Handler Certificate Course, Managing Food Safety (MFS)

Effective food handler training is a must for any foodservice business, but it can be a struggle to find the right safe food handling certificate online. That’s why we developed Managing Food Safety (MFS), our flagship food handler certificate course designed to help food handler trainers access the most up-to-date, relevant, and engaging online course materials. 

A nationally recognized, high quality food handling certification program, MFS introduces a variety of new measures to make food safety training more effective, including things like visual case studies that can help trainers to transcend language barriers, opportunities for experiential learning, and detailed regional information.

Managing Food Safety has been enthusiastically received by health authorities and food safety trainers around the country, who have said that the program makes the job of trainers easier, and makes learning more enjoyable for participants.

Dangerous Food Mistakes

Dangerous Food Mistakes
It’s all too easy to get careless or overconfident in the kitchen, but even making a simple mistake can have serious long-term consequences, especially for foodservice workers or those cooking for large groups of people. No matter how experienced you feel you are in the kitchen, it’s important to be aware of common food safety guidelines - it could help you avoid contracting or spreading serious foodborne illnesses. Here are some of the most commonly made food safety mistakes in the kitchen:

Ontario's Food Premises Regulations

Ontario's Food Premises Regulations
Ontario’s new   Food Premises Regulation (O. Reg. 493/17), under the Health Protection and Promotion Act, R.S.O. 1990, c. H.7 came into effect on July 1, 2018, bringing with it some important changes for foodservice businesses across the province. Though the Regulation has been in effect since July, the transition to compliance with the new requirements is still ongoing for many establishments. The modernized Regulation has taken the place of the Food Premises Regulation (O. Reg. 562), which dated all the way back to 1967, and tackles issues like food handler training, energy conservation, and more.

New Ontario Regulation 493/17

New Ontario Regulation 493/17

Working with Ontario's Public Health Units to Support the Implementation of the New Ontario Regulation 493/17 

O. Reg. 493/17, the new Ontario Food Premises Regulation, came into effect on July 1, 2018, modernizing the previous regulation which dated back to 1967. The Food Premises Regulation has removed outdated and redundant food premises requirements that no longer apply to modern foodservice establishments, offering foodservice operators more flexibility in areas like safe food preparation procedures, food handling, and cleaning and sanitizing procedures. The Regulation has also made it mandatory that at least one trained food handler be on premises for every working hour that the establishment is open for in order to minimize the risks of food poisoning and poor food safety practices.

Choosing the right thermometer

Choosing the right thermometer

The Complete Guide to Thermometer Food Safety

Food thermometers are an essential tool for use in any kitchen, whether it be at a food service establishment or at home. They are critical for use in the preparation of meat and poultry products to ensure that food is not under-cooked and that food products reach safe internal temperatures, reducing the likelihood of foodborne illness, and helping to avoid overcooking and achieve the highest possible food quality. There are many styles and variations of food thermometers, each of which have different uses and limitations.

Takeout and Delivery Food Safety

Takeout and Delivery Food Safety

Food Safety for Takeout and Meal Delivery

In the age of smartphones, Netflix, and Uber, convenience and speed are qualities that everybody wants, especially when it comes to spending a night in with some delicious food. The rise of convenient and inexpensive food delivery apps has made takeout and home meal delivery apps such as Skip the Dishes even more popular than they were in the past. Many people simply don’t have the time to cook a full meal after a full day of work. In this new age of convenience and speed, it’s unfortunately all too easy to overlook one of the biggest issues plaguing the delivery sector: food safety. Here’s what food service establishments, delivery staff, and consumers need to know in order to make every meal delivery a safe one.

Combat Negative Reviews Online

Combat Negative Reviews Online

How to Combat Negative Online Reviews For Your Foodservice Business

Customer feedback can help shape any business and better recognize meet the expectations and needs of customers - this is especially true for foodservice establishments. Earning a negative review can cost you revenue and less your organization’s reputation, making it extremely important for foodservice professionals to take these reviews seriously and find a way to combat them or make them right. Here’s what you need to know about how your restaurant or foodservice business can combat negative reviews online.